Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am a New Creation!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." 2 Cor 5:17

I love this verse. I think of the whole butterfly transformation when I see it...action. A catepillar becoming something beautiful and new!

God recently whispered to me (okay shouted at me) while listening to the praise band at church..."I live so that Jesus can be brought alive!" A strong idea placed on my heart to help focus my actions following my brain aneursym...transformation. However, my identity and personality has now changed as well. I do feel like a new creation! My Bible commentary this morning redefined this verse for me from action to identity. This verse defines not only my practice, but also my Christ. I have been told I've changed since the transformation and am now more "gregarious" (my dear friend Sue's word)...seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable. My shyness has dissolved for the first time in my life and I now can bring Jesus alive! I am new!

Are you a new creation in Christ? Ryan wanted to know if he had to have an aneursym to become new. Absolutely not! We already have our identity in Christ, we just have to find it!

Still munchin' on this one and I'm sure we will revisit it...right Father?