Saturday, August 7, 2010

Woman of Faith

Lord, make me a woman of faith today...with humor! I got your whisper this morning loud and clear! Upon waking, I ran to my devotional for guidance...I lost my job yesterday and wasn't sure how you wanted me to handle this news. The devotion for the day was entitled..."This is only a test!" Does anyone else out there see the God moment here? The devotion went on to explain a "test" of faith for Barbara Johnson, a prominent writer and speaker, who underwent brain surgery (no less) for a brain tumor. She survived only because of her faith and humor. Her words upon seeing her shaved head..."I'm going to get that guy who gave me this hairstyle!" The devotional prayer at the end of the entry went on to thank our Father for giving us a sense of humor to "buoy" us even in the most traumatic experiences of our lives! Living in my world of dizziness and imbalance has caused me to reach out to "buoy" my faith, but I need to consider doing it with humor! I've been given the blessed chance to continue my earthly journey, and here it first test! Will I handle it as I did in all crises prior to my aneurysm...worry, worry, worry, shout, worry, worry, worry...or will I use humor and be a woman of faith? Have you seen my hairstyle lately...the Donald Trump comb-over in shocking pink stripes?!!! "You will laugh at destruction and famine." - Job 5:22