Thursday, August 7, 2008

Control Freak

Chris Tomlin recently wrote a song called "Let God Arise". I've always liked the song musically. It hums along at a good pace for my morning walk - one of those tunes that really get your feet to steppin' in a determined way. However, leave it to God to use a wonderful device like music to whisper a good message my way when I needed it most. My week was totally not going well. Joy was sick, Ryan was suffering from being cooped up all summer, Dave was very busy and my boss calls me up to inquire about my low production. But I'm in control of all this right? Like a gong, this song hit me over the head that I needed to LET God take over. Just submit. Admit that I'm not in control and that he has bigger plans going on. LET Him arise and show me his power. Okay. So, I decided to give it a try. I consciously decided to stop fighting life (or at least the circumstances of this week) and would you believe it actually worked? Joy got better. Ryan found new activities. Dave found time to spend with us tonight. And I made quota for two days in a row! Prayers are good to make, but I think the submission thing has to come too. May you remember to LET God show off his amazing-ness in your weekly crises!


Lacewings said...

This is quite the most important step in all that we do, having the correct intention, prayer and actions help, but then after we've done all that, if we get back in our own way, or God's, fretting and stewing and controlling, WAH! Everything just falls apart again. Opening instead to God's way frees us, and lets us enjoy life just a bit more! Plus, he is so much more powerful than we are, why do we always seem to want to take the reins from him??