Monday, August 4, 2008

Fork blessings...

My whisper of the day came while typing at my transcription this morning. There are so many opportunites throughout our day to bless others, especially in the mundane tasks (and believe me there's nothing more mundane than listening to these doctors rattle on and on and on...). As each of my patient jobs download, however, I have a rare opportunity to send a small prayer for each patient. I may not know each patient, but everyone deserves a prayer. I can type as many as 130 reports each day giving me 130 opportunities a day to bless someone. Who knew one person could touch so many lives? This takes the sting out of the mundane for me. Take a look around your life, what blessings can you offer out of the mundane? Maybe it's as simple as sending up a prayer for the next person who uses that fork you just took out of the dishwasher.


maribo said...

J - AWESOME!!! so glad that you are writing - about everything and anything :)
God has so gifted you!! and i know what you mean about when God is silently in our presence... i'm starting to yearn for that more and more!

Dopplershift said...

Fantastic blog website! So peaceful and inspirational.
Keep up the thoughts and prayers. Peoples are desperately searching for comforting words these days.